Green Velvet Cupcakes for Lucius Malfoy
The man who followed could only be Draco’s father. He had the same pale, pointed face and identical cold, gray eyes.
— J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, page 50

Lucius Malfoy is a terrible person. He's concerned about himself, first and foremost, his reputation second, and his family third. He's a blood purist, which means that he believes that anyone that isn't a Pureblood should be killed.

And he helped Lord Voldemort do that.

With glee. 

He's snobby and loves to rub his wealth into other people's faces. One of the first times we see him in The Chamber of Secrets, he's insulting the Weasley family for being poor and for being seen with Hermione and her parents, who are Muggles. 

A dessert created for Lucius would sound luxurious and self-indulgent.

My first thought was a red velvet cupcake. The word velvet always brings decadence to my mind. There was a problem though... there's no way he would put up with the color red, being a Slytherin Alumnus.

Green velvet was the obvious way to go.

Cream cheese frosting was a must, too. It's a classic pairing, and the Malfoy family is all about tradition.

They're also all about being more than everyone else. They have to be the best. So I wanted to add whiskey to the recipe. Whiskey is usually thought of as a "manly" drink. It's old fashioned and considered sophisticated.

Finally, I wanted to make a really small batch of cupcakes. Lucius is all about himself and his family, remember? He would only give something to someone else if he were getting something in return.

This recipe only makes four cupcakes.

I crumbled one of the cupcakes up for decoration, and then I didn't use all of it. Which is something Lucius would do to show that he could do wanted and needlessly destroy things, without caring about the people that aren't as wealthy and don't have what he has. (I still ate it though, so don't worry about it being wasted!)

I also hid one for later because, as we see in Lucius' very first scene, he has a habit of hiding things he doesn't want other people to find.

Like I said earlier—Lucius Malfoy is a terrible person.


Green Velvet Cupcakes

-8 tbsp  all-purpose flour

-4 tbsp  white sugar

-1 tbsp  cocoa powder

-1/4 tsp  baking soda

-6 tbsp  milk

-1/2 tsp  white vinegar

-1 tbsp  vegetable oil

-1/2 tsp  green food coloring

-1/8 tsp  vanilla extract

  1. Combine the milk and vinegar in a medium bowl, and let sit for five minutes.
  2. Add the vanilla, food coloring, and sugar. Stir until they're completely combined.
  3. Mix in the baking soda and cocoa powder.
  4. One tablespoon at a time, add the flour and whisk until completely combined.
  5. Mix in the vegetable oil.
  6. Pour the batter into the lined cupcake tins.
  7. Bake at 350 degrees for 17-20 minutes.
  8. Remove the cupcakes from the oven and let them cool completely.

Whiskey Cream Cheese Frosting

-4 tbsp  unsalted butter, room temperature

-4 tbsp  cream cheese, room temperature

-1 1/2 c  powdered sugar

-1 1/2 tsp whiskey (I used TX Whiskey because it's my favorite. I recommend using one you like, since you're going to taste it.)

  1. Whisk together the butter and cream cheese until it's completely smooth.
  2. Whisk in the powdered sugar, in sections.
  3. Stir in the whiskey.
  4. Put the frosting in the refrigerator for 20-40 minutes to let it stiffen up a little.

I decided to brush the cupcakes with some of the whiskey because more is more, and it's what Lucius would want.

After the frosting was finally stiff enough, I put it in a piping bag with a decorative, but classy, tip, and piped it on the cupcakes. Then I added the crumbs from the other, wasted (eaten) cupcake.

I wanted to do another HP character to celebrate the start of this blog's third month, and I wanted to go back to the series I started with. It felt right to continue with the second book. As for choosing Lucius Malfoy—he's one of the most important people in this one. It's only fair this post is about him.
